Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Last time, when i met my friend, he told me that he was going to start the poultry farm in large scale(apart from his main business). I was expecting something he was talking about white Leghorns Hen, Black Leghorns Hen, Red Rhode Island Hen, Goose or Turkey. I was really excited when he told that he was about to do Emu farming.

Emu is flightless bird (Cousin to Osterich in africa, cassowary in australia, kiwi in Newzeland & Rhea in S.America ) in Australia. It will be around 5-6 feet in height and around 45-60 kg in weight. This bird is much suited to Indian tropical climate. I was really excited to see these species. After seeing it for first time from very closer, i didn't have courage to touch it(Its having strong beak).
Hope i would get chance to see more many Emu chicks soon.

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